by Zane Miller | Jul 15, 2022
Course Duration: 35 Minutes Preventing heat illness protects your workers and is good business. Health and safety problems and other health problems like heart attacks and falls, may result from heat illness at the workplace. Heat illness may increase the costs of...
by Zane Miller | Jun 7, 2022
Course Duration: 30 Minutes Slips, trips and falls cause: The majority of general industry accidents 15 percent of all accidental deaths More fatalities than all other causes but motor vehicles OSHA’s standards for walking and working surfaces apply to all permanent...
by Zane Miller | Apr 19, 2022
Course Duration: 25 Minutes Practice environmental awareness both on and off the job. At one time or another we handle materials at home which could cause environmental damage and personal injury, if not properly handled or disposed of. Adherence to environmental...