Staph Infection

Staph Infection

 Course Duration: 20 Minutes Staph skin infections, including MRSA, generally start as swollen, painful red bumps that might look like pimples or spider bites. The affected area might be: Warm to the touch Full of pus or other drainage Accompanied by a fever These...


 Course Duration: 40 Minutes In response to the need to protect the environment from the improper disposal of approximately 57 million metric tons of hazardous waste, congress has enacted several pieces of legislation. All employees working on site (such as but not...
Hazardous Materials Awareness

Hazardous Materials Awareness

 Course Duration: 25 Minutes Scope of Training: Some chemicals may be safety hazards and have the potential to cause fires and explosions and other serious accidents. This training covers the handling, transporting, and storing of hazardous materials and is conducted...
NFPA 70e Electrical Safety

NFPA 70e Electrical Safety

 Course Duration: 55 Minutes NFPA 70e Electrical Safety: Safeguarding Your Workplace In the realm of industrial operations, prioritizing safety is paramount, especially when it comes to dealing with electrical systems. This is where NFPA 70e Electrical Safety steps...
Hand Washing Training

Hand Washing Training

 Course Duration: 20 Minutes Washing your hands is a key technique in hygiene to pretect yourself and others from the spread of germs. Any industry requires proper hand washing to make sure safety is credited in the work space. With people frequently touching theirs...