Refakatçinin Görevleri

The most critical member of an entry team is the attendant safety watch also referred to as a fire watch/hole watch.  Attendant watches are skilled personnel that are trained specifically on the hazards of a confined space, gas detection operation, and atmospheric requirements of the space, permitting, and the roles of the entire entry team.  Fire watches are commonly furnished to welding/hot work activities being conducted within, or around processes that present the potential of igniting combustible materials

  1. Know the hazards. In the case of the attendant, this can often include using air monitoring equipment to keep a close watch on the atmospheric conditions inside the confined space and communicate any changes observed.
  2. Know the behavioral effects of the hazards.
  3. Be able to identify the authorized entrants.
  4. Remain outside until relieved.
  5. Communicate with entrants through out the work period.
  6. Monitor and evacuate entrants if necessary.
  7. Summon rescue, if needed.
  8. Warn away unauthorized persons.