Operating Procedures-Safe Work Practices

Operating Procedures

Operating procedures (§ 250.1913) – This element requires operators to develop and implement written operating procedures that provide instruction for conducting safe and environmentally sound activities involved in: initial startup; normal operations; all emergency operations; normal shutdown; startup following a turnaround or after an emergency shutdown; and bypassing and flagging out-of-service equipment. This element also requires operators to discuss the safety and environmental consequences of deviating from the operating procedures and the hazards presented by the chemicals used in the operations.  

Safe Work Practices

Safe work practices (§ 250.1914) – This element requires operators to develop and implement written safe work practices designed to minimize the risks associated with operations, maintenance, modification activities and the handling of materials and substances that could affect safety or the environment. Operators, contractors, companies, and workers have certain responsibilities to make sure workers can do their job safely. As a worker for a contractor, it is your responsibility to participate in trainings, do your work safely, comply with any related policies and procedures, and have general understanding of the SEMS program and the parts that effect you.
