Controlling the exposure to asbestos can be done through engineering controls, administrative actions, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Administrative actions include limiting the workers exposure time and providing showers. This is to prevent clean clothing from becoming contaminated with asbestos fibers. PPE includes a variety of things, such as respirators, coveralls, shoes, safety glasses, gloves, vests, hard hats, and full-body suits.
Engineering controls are often defined as methods of controlling concentrations of contaminants by modifying the source or reducing the quantity of contaminants that are released into the work environment. The preparation phase of an asbestos abatement project is directed towards the isolation of the work area and it’s components from all other areas within a building. As an engineering control measure, its primary function is to contain the airborne asbestos fibers which will be generated during asbestos material removal, repair, encapsulation or enclosure activities. In addition to contaminant barriers, decontamination facilities are designed and constructed to prevent the spread of asbestos fiber contamination outside the work area, by directing all abatement personnel, clothing and equipment through a carefully planned sequence of decontamination.