Sequence of Steps

Planning safety is the key step. Supervisors and team members should take into consideration every possible hazard and accident/illness potential, when completing the JSEA form. This would include driving from home and safely arriving at the job location, starting and completing the job, and then driving from the job location and arriving safely home again. If events change from the original plan; the job will stop and all parties involved will review/revise the plan. Additionally, if new personnel arrive at the site after activities have begun; those personnel will review the JSEA before beginning work.


Elements of the JSEA that must be addressed before every task is begun:

  1. Sequence of Task Steps,
  2. Potential Accidents or Hazards, or Environmental impacts
  3. Recommendations to Eliminate or Reduce Potential Hazards
  4. Required Safety Equipment for the Task(s)
  5. Required Permits for each Task/Job
  6. Waste generated and its proper disposal, including paperwork

The first column on the form will be used to list each task/job assignment. The next (or center) column will list every conceivable hazard and/or potential accident that could be encountered for each task/job assignment. The third (or last column) is used to list ways to prevent accidents from occurring and identify means of reducing and/or controlling known hazards that exist. All documentation listed in the center column (hazards) shall assigned a specific person on the team to assure that the hazard or risk is mitigated prior to commencing work, and documented on the JSEA. The JSEA shall have a final review and sign-off from each team member, after corrections have been made, to avoid creating new hazards derived from the corrective measures. A completed copy of the JSEA will be kept at the job site in a readily accessible form for employees.  The completed form will be maintained at the job location for 30 days after the job is completed.

The responsibility for completing and approving the JSEA will be that of the supervisor, but the actual analyzing will have to, again, be a team effort. By having each team member involved in the analyzing process will insure:

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