Take the Pledge for Your Company!
To demonstrate your commitment to a clean environment, please complete the “Pledge to Prevent Resin Pellet , Flake and Powder Loss” or complete and fax a copy to PLASTICS at (202) 318-7507 or email to ocs@plasticsindustry.org.
The pledge must be signed by an officer of the company. In return, your company will receive a certificate suitable for display affirming your commitment to being an Operation Clean Sweep Partner. Signing this pledge will qualify your company’s name to be added (unless otherwise specified) to the list of OCS Program Partners on the Operation Clean Sweep website. Listed partner company names may be used in publicity for the program.
Have Your Employees Take the Pledge
Individual personal commitment of every Sunrise employee and contractor is the key to success of our OCS program. Every employee is encouraged to be fully engaged and committed to following the OCS principles every day. Each Sunrise employee, contractor, and vendor are required to ‘Take the Pledge’!