NORM wastes are often generated when carbon-based materials like coal and petroleum are burned. This is because trace amounts of uranium, thorium and other radioisotopes are naturally found in these materials and will linger in waste products even after combustion. When concentrations of radioactive matter increases past certain threshold — then the materials may be classified as NORM or TENORM (Technically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Waste) and would require special handling.
NORM wastes are commonly produced by industrial, mining and manufacturing processes. Materials that typically contain low concentrations of radioactive particles include:
For E&P waste containing NORM at concentrations not exceeding 30pCi/g to transfer to an E&P waste commercial facility regulated by the DNR for treatment if certain conditions are met by the facility.
For E&P waste between 30pCi/g & 200pCi/g, transfer for treatment to an E&P waste commercial facility specifically licensed by LDEQ for such purposes.