Fire Watch Flashback!


Congratulations, you’re almost done with the course!  However, let’s take a few minutes to reflect on the course content before you take the final exam. You will only get 2 chances to pass the final with a score of 80% or higher. 

If you aren’t confident in your knowledge of one of the following subjects, go back to the relevant lesson in the course to give it a review.

  • Fire watch personnel are mandated by OSHA. They literally watch for fire in areas of hot work.
  • Employers are responsible for providing the proper PPE to their workers and for replacement and repairs as necessary. Employers are also responsible for providing adequate training on the proper use of the equipment, and for enforcing its use and wear.
  • The personal protective equipment (PPE) that must be made available and worn as required by 29 CFR Part 1915, Subpart I. 1915.504(b)
  • Never leave the job site while the work is being done. If you must leave, stop the job and notify workers that you are “standing-by-for”.
  • When all operations are done, do not leave the worksite unless you’re sure that there are no hot sparks, embers and other fire hazards.
  • Attendant must continuously monitor the space and entrant.
  • Attendants must keep track of the entrants that are listed on the permit.
  • Attendants are responsible for monitoring conditions outside the entrance to the space
  • Watches order evacuation if space conditions change or becomes unstable.