Procedures: Waste Recycling and Disposal
Asegúrese de que los pellets, las escamas y el polvo se eliminen adecuadamente para evitar contaminar el medio ambiente.
- Store waste pellets, flakes and powder in properly labeled containers.
- Do not permit loose pellets, flakes and powder to accumulate on the ground or floors.
- Install a minimum of one pellet-specific waste container in each pellet-, flake and powder-handling area.
- Routinely check that there is adequate waste storage capacity.
- Use separate containers for recyclable and non-recyclable pellets, flakes and powder.
- Use only covered containers or vehicles without leaks.
- Inspect and confirm proper handling and storage procedures if an outside vendor is used for waste removal.
- Destacar la necesidad de procedimientos que “no produzcan pérdidas para el medio ambiente”.
- Preferred disposal methods are:
- Recycle or resell waste pellets, flakes and powder.
- Approved incineration of waste pellets, flakes and powder in properly licensed and operated incinerators.
- Deposit in a controlled landfill only after confining pellets, flakes and powder in such a manner that prevents their loss due to rain, wind, flooding, etc.
- Consider using waste pellets, flakes and powder in a fuel-blending program.
- Include pellet, flake and powder retention capabilities and practices in criteria for selecting waste disposal companies.