CiMSA Key Definitions

Señal azul – A clearly distinguishable blue flag or blue light by day, and a blue light by night. Blue signals displayed in accordance with §§218.25, 27, or 29, signify that workers are on, under, or between railroad rolling equipment.

Car Shop Repair Track Area means one or more tracks within an area in which the testing, repair, etc., is under the exclusive control of mechanical department personnel.

Controlling Locomotive – (WATCO) A locomotive arranged as having the only controls over all functions for one or more locomotives.

Dispositivo de bloqueo eficaz means it is vandal and tamper resistant, and capable of being locked and unlocked only by the particular group of employees being protected.

Área de servicio de locomotoras has the same meaning as car shop area.

Equipo rodante includes locomotives and cars, whether or not coupled to make a train.

Switch Providing Access means a switch which if traversed by rolling equipment could permit that rolling equipment to couple to equipment being protected.

Worker means any railroad employee assigned to inspect, test, repair, or service rolling equipment and components.

Bulk Cement Trailer Operations – Operations in which a driver / operator uses a silo bus truck to load, transport and transfer bulk cement to a railcar for transport.

CCR Operator – The CiMSA control room operator on shift

Driver / Operator – Third party vendor acting on the behalf of CiMSA Americas for loading, transport, and transfer of bulk cement.

Loading Hours – Loading operations will only be conducted between the hours of 6:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m.

Rail Movement / Switching -(WATCO) Switching operations will be designated by WATCO but shall not commence before 8:00 p.m. or while the blue flag is in an upright position. Switching must contact CiMSA operations at 1-832-329-9588 to have the blue flag lowered.
CiMSA Rail Worker – Any CiMSA employee or contractor designated for the installation and removal of the filter bags and all associated piping.
