Life Saving Rules Flashback!


Congratulations, you’re almost done with the course!  However, let’s take a few minutes to reflect on the course content before you take the final exam. You will only get 2 chances to pass the final with a score of 80% or higher. 

If you aren’t confident in your knowledge of one of the following subjects, go back to the relevant lesson in the course to give it a review.

  • Hearing protection must be worn when working in areas that are marked hearing protection required or areas where the noise level is above a conversational voice level.
  • Welding curtains must be placed around the work area where welding and grinding operations are being performed.
  • All work conducted 6 feet off the ground level or greater shall don a full body harness and be %100 tied off.
  • PPE: Safety shoes must be worn in operating and maintenance areas except when remaining in designated aisleways.
  • Incident Reporting: All occupational injuries, no matter how slight, must be reported to your Supervisor, Management and HSE immediately “Big or small report it all”
  • Moving Equipment: The use of cell phones, MP3 players, AM/FM radios, wireless devices, headphones, or ear buds are prohibited while operating equipment.
  • Working at Heights: All openings where employees can fall should be effectively closed or surrounded by railings and marked to ensure employees cannot fall through the open hole.
  • Lockout / Tagout: All equipment will be locked out and de-energized before work can start.
  • Machine Guarding: Loose clothing and/or flowing ties are prohibited when working in operating areas where personnel are exposed to moving equipment.
  • Stop Work Authority: Any person regardless of position/role, seniority or discipline has the right and duty to apply the Stop Work Authority if in his/her opinion or judgment, such activity is deemed to be a potential Incident.