Types of Protection

Main Track (§218.25) – has it’s own emergency provision.

Other Than Main (§218.27) – includes switches & blue signals, alternate protection (derails), remotely controlled switches (references §218.30), special requirements for crossover switches, and has it’s own emergency provision.

Alternate methods in car shops and locomotive servicing areas (§218.29) – Tricky, requires detailed understanding of the regulations. Essentially, FRA gave railroads the ability to use managerial controls in lieu of the absolute protection afforded by the protection requirements of §218.27.

Remotely Controlled Switches (§218.30) – Detailed requirements for remote locking devices, recording the information, and recordkeeping requirements. This can get tricky because you’ll find this method used for car and locomotive facilities as well as on other than main tracks.

Utility Employee (§218.22) – Train service type duties for employees assigned to more than one crew during a duty tour. Difficult to ensure compliance because some of the criteria aren’t absolute (hours of service, random drug testing pool).
